JHS Double Barrel

June 19, 2019 Off By nickburson

Backing track link at bottom of page

So it feel like this video has been a long time coming.

I’m sure most of you, my readers, out there know that I have been playing in a covers band around Christchurch for the last 8 years. We cover music ranging from Elvis to Metallica but most of our time is spent playing classic rock. Eg The Eagles, Credence, Pink Floyd, Queen, Fleetwood Mac and the list goes on.

Since the beginning of my days with the band I have been on a search for the ultimate overdrive for the kind of music we play. Surprisingly I think I’m finally ready to stop the search.

It was about 2014 and I would have already been through abut 6 overdrives when I stumbled across the JHS website. I found I love the sound of their overdrives (on youtube) and took a gamble on the one I thought would suit me the best. (The Double Barrel)

I loved the pedal straight away, and it quickly became the cornerstone of my sound. But unfortunately, for my bank account, i’m not the kind of guy just to say “This is great now I’m done.” I went on a search to try dethrone the Double Barrel or in normal people speak, find something better.

But for some reason or another I always found myself gravitating back to the Double Barrel. It is incredibly touch sensitive on the MorningGlory side and boost so well when you kick in the (tubescreamer) Moonshine side. It has all the headroom you would ever need and enough switches to satisfy any tweaker out there. For me though, it just sounds like me, which I guess is what we are all looking for. The equipment that not only inspires us but also allows us to make the sound in our heads come to life.

Here is a list of what I have tried, that didn’t make the cut.

Emerson Custom Em Drive, T Rex Alberta 2, T Rex Alberta, T rex Mud Honey, Tim, JHS Klone, Earthquaker Devices Palisades, EHX Crayon, D and M drive, Angry Driver, OCD, Blues driver, Bearfoot Honey Bee, Vox Ice 9, Hotcake

Here is a link to buy The Double Barrel and also one for the Redbox 5.

It is worth a final note that this recording was done in complete silence by running the Redbox 5 out of the headphone output on a Marshall Class 5. For me this was a big step in the right direction as far as silent recording. (Not quite my mesa in full flight but way better that straight into the sound card.

That’s me out. Till next time, Nick

Oh here is the backing track if you want to have a go at soloing on the intro/outro tune