Old Town Road/ Amplitube 4 Review

May 30, 2019 Off By nickburson

The Journey for Silent recording tones.

First let me start by saying that I downloaded the free version of Amplitube which was Amplitube 4 with heaps of patches not available, or Amplitube Custom shop I don’t know, the are probably the same thing.

The idea was take a listen to some of the basic tones and decide if it was worth investing in. Then buy some of the sounds I think I might like. Sounds pretty simple really.

So first plug in, it sounded pretty good. I mean it wasn’t anything on my amp but it was a step in the right direction from garage band amp sims. The main idea was I needed to have a way to do simple recordings at my house. My amps are just two loud and will undoubtedly wake my young son.

The issue start flowing! Semi impressed from my first noodling session I logged into the app for the second time, pretty sure I might download a few pedals and amps sounds. (The stock ones aren’t really my style./ they are a little limited) Suddenly I see the pop up below

Because i’m quite keen to at least give Amplitubes a better go I think no problem I’ll just authorise my account by clicking ok. After all I did join IK multimedia when I downloaded the app. This should be no problem right?

The message of doom

Computer says no!!! Instantly the Amplitubes went from interesting to flop. The first image says I have 10 days to authorise the account, the second message says the page needed to authorise is not available. Needless to say, once I couldn’t authorise I was very hesitant to spend any money on the app. This led me to work my way through my overdrive pedals trying to find something I could use to dirty up the clean amp sim on Amplitubes. After all I always use a clean amp with pedals, How hard could it be?

The answer…. Impossible I tried 4 different drive pedals and the best I could get was the recording below. Which is so bad I was thinking about not posting it. So sadly for me Amplitude was a No. So the journey continues, maybe I’ll have to check out one of those dreaded Processor pedals or something.

Till next time….. Nick

Lesson for Old Town Road